Foodventure Land
Discover a world of super power with the Super Fruits.
Foodventure Land allows 3-5 year olds to discover a world of super power with Super Fruits. This interactive projection game will be displayed on a wall where children are encouraged to discover the amazing super powers of each fruit character and their important function for our bodies. The goal of this project is to expose young children to new fruits and help reduce finicky eating habits.
In North America:
Up to 60% of young children were reported by their parents not to be eating optimally.

39% as picky eaters, and picky eating prevalence as high as 50% was reported in children aged 19–24 months
While our competitors focus on maximizing small spaces with high quality beverages and food, MIU Cafe will provide a learning space with games that offer educational food literacy outcomes while parents or guardian have their space to relax and socialize.
Marketing Strategiest
Visual Brand Designer
Project Manager
12 Months
Adobe Illustration
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe After Effects
4 Group Project
with 4 Different Individual Projects
Have you had a hard time finding a quiet space to work with your kids?
Do you struggle to find a place to sit with your toddler in a busy Vancouver coffee shop?
Finding a coffee shop that accommodates families with young children can be challenging in Vancouver. MIU Cafe aims to redefine a traditional cafe by incorporating family-friendly space and offer food-literacy focused learning activities for young children.
Our roles are based our interest and passion for future endeavours.
To maintain effective communication and coordination within our team, we implemented several strategies. We held weekly team meetings where each member had an opportunity to provide updates, share challenges, and seek assistance. We use Notion to track our progress and Figma as our document sharing platform.
As a Marketing Strategist, I encompassed in developing and implementing a comprehensive marketing strategy to promote our service offerings effectively. Moreover, I am responsible for creating visual elements that promote a friendly and inviting atmosphere in the cafe.
Individual projects under Miu's Cafe Umbrella Theme of: Happy Eating!
Each of us created individual projects that tackle different objectives at various stages of a young child’s developmental process and their relationship with food. This was validated through an interview with a registered nutritionist, Lily Ren, whom we met.
We divided our service design into 4 individual projects that:
Foodventure Land | Felicia Sugiarta
How do we create an experiential learning space for children between ages 3-5 years old (preschool) to familiarize themselves with various food characteristics through play activities in a cafe?
Meet Emma!
"Can we skip our meal? I just want my dessert!"
Trust me; our cheerful little Emma will rapidly turn into grumpy Emma when she sees greens!
Understanding Emma
Picky eating is normal,
Finicky habit is forever!
Being a picky eater in and of itself is not necessarily a "bad" thing. It is a common behavior among many children and is often a normal part of their development. However, in some cases, being a picky eater can negatively affect a child's health and well-being.
3 Major causes of a child being a picky eater:
Findings about Emma
Studying is boring, Learning is fun!
Learning for children this age is about uncovering, best done through hands-on meaning-driven interactions, where children can discover the properties of items before being asked to apply knowledge.
Children use all of their senses to explore.
By allowing them to explore their environment or learn a new skill by exploring and figuring it out on their own through trial and error, you’re allowing them to build more confidence and long-term skills.
“Tangible interaction is important for kids” - 10/10 Parents agree.
Kids safety is important!
Food exploration is important because this is how toddlers and preschoolers learn best – by engaging in play-based learning.

However, We eliminate smell and taste from our triggered senses as we need to ensure kids play safely in our cafe; we need to avoid senses that make them “eat” the toys.
Foodventure Land
An interactive corner that allows you to discover a world of super power with Super Fruits!
With Miu Cafe's space, we are excited to let kids immerse in the atmosphere that we build at Foodventure Land.

Kids are more drawn to things alive: movement, expression, and personality. It makes them not just learn but also familiar with the fruits. That's why I created Super fruits!
User Testing
Creating as easy as simple as how 3-5 years old think.
Disclaimer: We are not allowed to user test with kids. So, I conducted the test with 14 parents with children ages 3-5 years old.
Experiencing the food in a pressure-free zone allows children to engage without fearing that they’ll be forced to eat it. I went through 3 rounds of user testing, where I tested my game mechanics and familiar gesture.

Here is one of my user testing; I used Figma as the primary source of my user testing.
Drag and drop the Grape and see what happens! Press "R" to restart.
My Analysis
1. Scratch
This is not a familiar gesture for pre-schoolers.
2. Drag and Drop
It is still a little bit too hard for kids to drag and drop.
3. Tap
Pre-schoolers are familiar with this gesture, especially on screen! 
My Take Away
Interactive Digital Wall
Considering kids' safety and interest, it is all about the micro-interaction that excites them! With digital, I have a lot more control to let kids immerse in the atmosphere through visual and audio interactions.
Small gesture, Big Impact! 
A simple and easy game doesn't have to be boring; I ensure kids feel they have the power! With just a simple tap, they could discover the superpower! 
With the help of Super Fruits,
the lively character keep kids imagination alive.
*Super Fruits is a term based on nutrient-rich fruit considered to be especially beneficial for health and well-being.
Visual Development
"Wow! Fruits with Super Power?"
Created individual motion graphics to show the kids what will they do to your body!
Turn every supermarket visit to an adventure!
Making it magical but also making sure that kids will be able to apply their imagination in everyday life! Here is the visual development of the wall background.
Building Prototype
Foodventure Land
comes to live!
I completed my game mechanics and visual using my expertise in Adobe Creative Cloud platforms and Figma, I challenge myself to create a working interactive wall game in Unity. I also tried using openCV to create a hand-tracking device to detect hand movement on the wall.
Explore Foodventure Land! 
Foodventure Land | Discover a world of super power with Super Fruits with us! 
I want you to experience our fantastic exploration; that's why I have implemented the Foodventure Land game that will be displayed on the interactive wall here!

This complete game was made in Unity from scratch, and Felicia Audrey Sugiarta originally made all visuals and motion graphics.
The Show | ECUAD
Coming to life: 5 years old kids (to adults) are enjoying their time!
I am thrilled to see a lot of kids stop by the Foodventure Land Booth and spend their day at the exhibition while their parents are going around other exhibits. This has proven that this design has successfully hit our main target! 
You and Your Family!
Foodventure Land makes sure that all experiences come to live!
Celebrating my passion in design!
I proudly present Miu x Foodventureland as my most challenging project throughout my 4-year studies. This project covers not just a lot of explorations but also developing my interest in various platforms.

Not to mention, I got a precious chance to celebrate my four years of studies by collaborating with my three talented peers, exploring my interest in motion design studies, and challenging myself to learn a new range of skills (art direction, illustration, motion graphics, game design, etc.).
Special Thanks to YOU!
It was a pleasure to collaborate with each one of you! 
Special thanks to all of my mentors and to all survey, interview, and usability testing participants who helped in the Foodventure Land development process journey. All documentation published has been acknowledged by all parties involved.
You’ve reached the end. Thank you for reading!